
"At first though, when you have no idea what the hell is going or why, Corpse Party is spooky like few other games."

The aura has crystallized to an impossible degree? Has it really?
I have to say, it hurts my heart a little to read that you disliked the live show because, even though you laughed a lot, you hated it that the rest of the audience was enjoying themselves. Only alone in your home could you adopt the apathetic and

I've read about him making reference to old road shows of the 20's and 30's, not to the fact that what he is doing is a completely standard practice which has been a part of independent film-making every step of the way. As described in the article, Smith approaches this with so much anger and defiance. But… Black

Self Promoting Is Nothing New
Whatever one thinks of Smith's lazy, smug movies, I really resent the way he is depicting this as a bold new idea that only the great Kevin Smith would ever have the bravery to attempt. People have been touring their movies to indie theaters, giving talks and Q&A's, and stirring up

Considering that "Newswire" here exists entirely as a forum for people to display their ironic detachment and superiority over entertainment, it is especially weird to me that the writers and readers here are expressing such anger over James Franco displaying ironic detachment.

There may be a bit of an echo chamber going on out there in the land of entertainment writers (either than or a nice sense of irony in this posting) because I can assure you that out here in the normal world, even among avid entertainment fans, there has not been been even weeks of anticipation over

Disney Culture Loves Disney Culture
Disney has always been completely mercenary with their cash-in sequels and anything-goes product branding, but the one thing that they have always been reverent about is Disneyland. Walt believed in it above anything else he created, and that has been passed down. Yes they want to

… is awful in Mad Men. Awful. Even if you really get off on the stilted, highly artificial acting of every person on the show, he is still not at all believable. At least on Angel The Series (TV's Angel) he had an excuse not to behave like a human being.

New things makes me scared! People should not ever try new things, it is horrible. Especially on the internet, because we are all very much above ever being a part of the internet. I thank god every day that we are so much better than twitter and everything on twitter.

Come and hug me, AV Club…
…because I can see from many posts that, for some reason, you are very angry that Betty White is a popular working actress again. I hope the anger is ironic.

Why the mean tone?
I can understand being nasty toward someone like a reality show star doing anything to get on more TV, but are we really so cynical that now a professional actor pursuing professional acting jobs falls into the derogatory "15 minutes of fame" category?

Huge Contemporary Bias
I wonder if the dancers on the show get angry/jealous of the lucky people who are selected to do contemporary (I assume no one at this point imagines the "drawing" is a random one) since the judges have an overwhelming bias toward contemporary dance. Every time they are overwhelmed with emotion

Service to Fanboys…,
…is a terrible marketing idea on its own, but I also do not get the feeling that there is an incredible untapped market of Black Panther fans out there. Iron Man made a massive comeback because it was the right time for an Iron Man movie; it could be a huge mistake deciding years in advance to

I could not agree more. I think this massive plan they have is going to backfire on them. Iron Man may have been a 2nd tier character, but he is a fun, wild, visual compelling character with lots of room for goofing and lots of current social relevance. Thor is a dead serious dude in a Renaissance Fair costume.

Maybe broaden your ideas?
The number of times that AV club writers copy and paste the exact same list (The Wire, The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, etc…) starts to feel very conspicuous after a while—- all shows with essentially the same themes, pace, mood, and character types. It hasn't happened yet, but I think the danger

It shouldn't be enjoyable
but it is! It's amazing that this show is watchable at all, as the writing is almost religiously dedicated to going for the most obvious joke every time. (Oh, the girl for Sheldon is a Girl Sheldon who is exactly like Sheldon— yawn) Not to mention that every joke is repeated three or four

So far it seems like the complaints I have read about the movie, both from critics and the critics-of-critics, is that the movie does not match up exactly to the film they already imagined in their heads. I read the graphic novels, but assumed the movie would be different, since that is the entire point of making a

The CGI pit of despair is especially sad because there is no real excuse for it. I am sure that the budget for a big network show is higher than the ones for smaller projects like Firefly or even Star Trek, but those shows had no problem making their effects and environments work (if not by being "realistic" then by

Why so cynical?
Oh, I am so sad to see the cynical biting in these early comments. This video is beautiful, the song is a great marriage to the images, and the machine is not just unlikely, it is also poetic. This will stand the test of time.

Bait and switch
It is too bad that Shutter Island has done so well due to deceptive advertising. The trailers clearly depict the movie as a supernatural thriller, when it is nothing of the kind. Sad face.