
the storly jumps forward to shorty

every time i try to see what voucers i may have, i get "We are currently experiencing difficulties. Please check back again at a later time."

ugh taran killam sucks

this is long-con revenge. KFC is going to hire every hip comedian EXCEPT patton oswalt — just to make him feel like shit for making fun of their famous bowl

the chorus they wrote for "the perfect storm" seems to be the same melody as "turn the beat around" — they could've sang "turn the boat around"

they put a lid on it! they capped it off!

Tai Babilonia & Brenner were never married according to the WaPo article that the above AV Club piece links to (http://www.washingtonpost.c…. the WaPo article says:

the US constitution is over 300 yrs old? damn, my public edumacation SUCKED

you just don't get it, do you? no it getter, you. i deride your it-getting abilities.

i'm hoping for a spin-off called "after-smash", starring smash's 3 least popular characters

More to the point: I was under the assumption that this was a contest to create the best toast. Apparently that wasn't really the case. Apparently this was a drawing, since the winning entry is so lame.

…and that's why we gave you up for adoption. plus you're blind.

…and that's why we gave you up for adoption. plus you're blind.

i assume you mean "housesitter" & not (as you have it in the article) "housekeeping"

i assume you mean "housesitter" & not (as you have it in the article) "housekeeping"

BREAKING: a toby jones biopic has been announced, with toby jones playing himself.

BREAKING: a toby jones biopic has been announced, with toby jones playing himself.

marc maron is older than fred stoller