Just make sure to use plenty of Vaseline!
Just make sure to use plenty of Vaseline!
Finally, a sexy pope!
I'm already bored by this news. Can we can get a reboot on this franchise yet?
Well, those sure were some ghosts.
Finally, "Raining Blood" will get the mopey acoustic cover it deserves.
Hey, "Lovefool" was my suggestion! Thanks!
Just try not to f*** it up though…please?
Don't make me press the Flag button.
I refuse to believe this crap is real, no matter how many times I read it.
All I see is Tom Hardy.
So when they sang "You`re a hole" they were talking about butt holes?
After South Park made fun of themyears ago for having non-sequiturs and cutaway gags, they seemed to almost purposely add in even more non-sequiturs and cutaway gags
I suppose it doesn't count but he played an FBI agent in American Hustle
So this is movie about superheroes who are so depressed and angsty they commit suicide, right?
Yeah let's shed a tear for the white supremacist.
Has Russia also had any hilarious gay political scandals like in the U.S?
The plot summary sounds like that fake Charlie Kaufman movie from SomethingAwful
You're comparing RLM to actual bigots? Really now?