Not Jackie Chan

White Flight

"You're about to Discover a Career Opportunity Where You'll NEVER Get Laid"

I can understand some people's frustration at how TMV drags out their already-long songs into extended jams sometimes.

Well this gimmick is…oddly specific.

And tell me my other wife that she was the only wife.

Yeah, that episode is not one of their prouder moments.

Taking your pants all the way off seems like way too much of a hassle.

"'I'm a big boy!"

Christopher Lloyd is still alive?

Things I'd like to see:

You could skip a large part of the 4th book and still have the series make sense.

Agreed. The things that politicians do are funny, in an absurd way. Stewart just points out that absurdity.

Or the fact that Fluke wasn't asking for taxpayers to fund birth control, but instead asking for BC to be available through the insurance plan she herself pays for.

You didn't do the right thing.


So basically it's a movie the whole family will love.

If you're friends with bros, then you are a bro.

I didn't set my expectations too high mostly because King seems past his prime. 'Cell' wasn't so bad, but Duma Key put me off his work for a while. I mostly read this out a sense of duty, having read almost everything else of his and thinking that this wouldn't be a bad way to waste time. For casual reading of his

All grunge/rock from that era sounds like that to me, Pearl Jam especially.

Yeah, it almost looks like an old woman.