
No love for Dream Quest?

I'm sure this has been said before, and I still may be way off, but to me the post "torture" conversation seems further confirm that the Venture Brothers title refers to Doc and Monarch and not the boys. One child born illegitimately who rebels against his fathers legacy and another raised by him who chooses the same

Gary, IN is missing "Armpit of the Midwest" & that's the only nickname I've ever heard for it.

!!!Minor Spoiler!!!

I'm gonna chime in pro Ennis. Preacher is a little overtly macho, but the art is great (Fabry's Covers are incredible) and the story was compelling and entertaining. I thought the Punisher Max was fantastic as well. Even the boys is fun.

Pancakes for One

I agree about being surprised about no mention of Fark. I guess the writers here aren't sophisticated enough to "get" smething as refined as fark. hehe

Every time my wife mentions a task I've forgotten it comes with a "Gotta do that HI."

…you mean the Ray Charles comments made off hand, 30 years ago? The one he long ago apologized for? Yeah, the guys a scourge of society.

Band Singing the "Balck Widow" Song
I might be crazy but I could swear that was Zach Braff playing the maracas.

no genius, rather

I loved the BSG shirt. But I loved BSG, despite the Deus Ex Machina at the end. A slightly convoluted ending did not undo the multiple years of solid awesome (with some exceptions) from that show.

Chris Pratt is hilarious
I don't want to see that guy go.

Forgot the Violent Femmes
… self titled.

God, please tell me that the "Jerk Ass Homer" complaining is not spreading to The Office. Michael was kind of an idiot at the start and he's still kind of an idiot, so I don't see where it applies. Plus Michael's stupidity is the whole point of the friggin show, IMO. They are all idiots with redeeming qualities as we

Phyllis sabotage
Did anyone else get the idea that Phyllis purposely failed to remind Jim and Dwight about Kelly's birthday? She did seem to snicker a little when she told them that they forgot. Sour grapes perhaps?