
I hadn't thought of claw machines youtube here I come

I'm thinking that isn't really Svetlana's father and she has an elaborate plan in motion for taking everything V and Kev have

I really enjoyed the scene where the robot cowboys all sit around and argue over who is going to cut the wood for days when the only one who can touch the axe wanders off

And yet the Bort license plate gag is popular all over the world

Male gaze in a 50 year old TV show? I'm outraged!

I moved here from Canada and they think I'm slow eh

No breatses not even any sideboob. I enjoyed the movie its not a masterpiece but I don't get all the whiny reviews I guess its cool to hate Affleck now

I enjoyed it even though it was completely lacking in breastses. I'm not sure what to make of all the cuntyness in most of the reviews other than straight up Affleck hate.

Kaep lost his job because he stunk he got it back because the other QB stunk more. He agreed to the renegotiation because his previous deal was terrible unless he gets injured. He's betting on himself with this new deal. It might not be smart but its not some big bad racist plot. The NFL is an equal opportunity

I burnt my fingers trying to make a potato chip bowl out of an album

Hmmm 15 year old Sigourney Weaver eh?

Aww I thought it was gonna be the dbags on dirtbikes chasing a drone with a butterfly net

I think he married Pamela a couple of weeks after they met so 30 seconds is probably a safe assumption

You're ok with Herpes?

If its T Dog I am so there

Yup anybody that disagrees with you is a racist

I find them donating money to charity to be literally meaningless to the issue

See a 20 foot soapbox is really high normally a soap box is like 1 or 2 feet high its puts you just above peoples heads so they will notice you so if you're 20 feet high you are at a ridiculously high level and people are automatically going to look and see whats up that is a huge advantage compared to the guy with

I think your reading comprehension is a little hazy if you thought that

The only power I see his protest creating is the debate over whether or not you should use the anthem to protest something I don't see any progress in the actual issue of cops killing black people at all