
The problem I have with this is that he's an NFL Quarterback. That's like having a 20 foot soapbox you can climb onto anytime you want. If he wants to get noticed all he had to do was speak and 100 reporters would be there recording his every word

Among my top childhood memories is the kid down the street whose Dad worked at Old Dutch and employees were allowed to take home the overcooked chips. They were almost black but they tasted fantastic

Yeah I used to say they're just like M&M s except they don't taste good

Ontario is an odd place for years you couldn't get a Slurpee there either

These articles don't cut and paste themselves

Get the Blizzard with the fudge core

I'm pretty sure they could find a cow or 2 near Chicago.

Might be the best use of bean paste ever

The surprising thing about In-N-Out fries is how good they taste considering they look inedible

I'm becoming increasingly concerned with the degeneration of Headline accuracy here at the AV Club these aren't dollar menu items

Its only low impact because there isn't the demand to produce enough for a few billion people

The comparisons are a little inaccurate seeing as how people have been breeding cows for centuries to increase their milk output. I'm sure with today's technology we could have a pig's milk output increased several times over in 50-100 years

Yup I would imagine a trap door most bars have their draft kegs down there

Man I bet those crooked Walking Dead slot machines make them more than what they cut

HBO did a doc about Alice last year Super Duper Alice Cooper. They made it clear that the decision to get Alice away from the band was done by Bob Ezrin and his agent Shep. Its not some big mystery dug up by the producers and Jagger

Was it already that widespread in 73?

It seemed obvious to me when I first saw the scene a few months ago that they'd use the RPG on Negan's men but the writers still managed to do a shitty job of it

Did she sell it or pawn it?

How do you buy a house with cash without the FBI/IRS asking where you got it?

Also since when can you buy a house at auction and then back out because you don't like it. House auctions are generally "as is". Plus how does the bag of money help the situation? You can't buy anything with cash these days without showing where it came from.