
Lisa Joyce seems like a non fatty non homely Lena Dunham type

I would've asked him if he kept any of the outfits he wore in Sleepers

Dudes can do math that's why they get paid

It is illegal to have a kitchen with walls anymore it has to be open to the living room

Rumour is that Pegg will make an appearance in Jackson's 27 hour extended version

It needed more bareassed indians

You look at his early career both as a writer and director and its amazing and then after Born on the 4th it just nosedives. Cocaine is a helluva drug

Didn't she buy a Plan B as well as a pregnancy test?

If the directors name was a secret no way Haywire makes this list

I heard in this version neither Han nor Greedo even have guns. Greedo just craps his space pants and Han gets away while he's in the bathroom

All I remember is her bum

I think he's obsessed with Paris and worries that everyone will want revenge instead of invading France

Not sure why killing the farmer would keep the slaughter a secret Floki will be telling everyone anyway

I saw this in the theater but haven't been able to find it since.

Sex Pistols? Peter Frampton? 1979?? How was Sid's performance did he seem a little stiff?

Gattaca is the only movie I can watch that he's in


And they ended up paying a Billion dollars in parking fees

I've heard there's talk of moving Mount Rushmore to Chicago too so more people can see it.

I've cursed out many a person for trying to foist their Monopoly baby rules on me the same kind of people who would choose a fucking cat over a flat iron