
Anytime Adam Baldwin can get a paycheque its a good thing

Yeah no kidding if you don't see the painting get worse and worse whats the point

So once she cut him he had the green light to take a dump on her?

I can't believe they retired the flatiron and put in a fucking cat

How about Zima Gold?

Flying daytime missions in a B17 was pretty much a death sentence until the latter part of the war

That's when they'll have the reveal the giant Frankenstein Vs Wolf-man battle over who gets Brona.

So Donny was banging Malanie Griffith when she was 14 I wonder if he got some Rene Russo and Rita Wilson 15 year old action too. That would put him in the child molester's hall of fame

I thought he point of the scene with Nixon and the old woman was that Nixon had seen the picture in the study of an SS officer who presumably was her husband and that the shame he had felt being caught breaking into her house was now reversed

So who's next Dr Jekyll or the Mummy?

That's the way I saw it he falls out of the boat 2 feet from shore and it was Cobb

Once you dip below -40 the Celsius temp is actually higher than its Fahrenheit equivalent hence -55 C = -67F

Say goodnight baby

I think by 1985 you could watch Night Court and Cheers instead of Simon and Simon

I can remember back in the day Thursday nights were for TV. 7pm Magnum PI, 8pm Simon and Simon, 9pm Hill Street this was pre VCR for me so if you missed an episode too bad. I've still never seen the Hill Street ep where Garibaldi gets killed

Best hooker name from Hill Street : Lotta Gue

What are they going to do next season? Have an idol that automatically puts you in the final 3?

Opie from Sons of Anarchy is in Ryan but he's virtually unrecognizable as the soldier who has lost his hearing and has to yell

I didn't know Hannibal was a chick show

Everyone else is dead