
Ha ha the choking continues

Your damn right I don't remember why she tore up the picture because she never once mentioned anything about child abuse until the whole priests abuse scandal became public 15 years later. It was only in the early 2000s that she started telling people she did it because of the Churches coverup so she didn't bring

Wow who could have possibly anticipated that Chokey Mcchoke Choke would shit the bed in the big game

On another board a poster had mentioned that a lot of the killers imagery was Lovecraftian and that the gas mask and dangling hose made him resemble Cthulhu which I thought was kind of clever

If I came home and found out some other guy had cut my grass I'd shoot the motherfucker

What about Peacock?

I just downloaded the snes Rom for Kablooey and I am playing it right now on my PC with an emulator just like I can with every other nes and snes or even arcade game so what you're describing has already happened albeit outside of the laws of copyright

I'd be ok with seeing the Insurance lady in a snuff film

Wow how can you interview Keith David and not ask him if he thought he was the Thing at the end of the movie?


Yup checked at about the 45 minute mark

Whats the Tit count?

Lynn Collins and the dog like creature are both adorable

Newsflash Bryan Cranston is a good actor who happened upon a once in a lifetime role he isn't Superactor

What show is she on?

Laura Prepon naked was a major disappointment to me

Laura is 43 and Ciera is 24

I heard its closed because Harry Knowles plugged up all the toilets

If you're not averse to a little harmless internet stealin there are still scans of almost everything Barks produced to be found online via torrents. Reading comics on a monitor is a bit of a buzzkill but its better than nothing

Started reading Barks' Duck comics when I was 5 and never stopped