
It seemed like the same old Simon Pegg needs to grow up movie they make everytime. Gravity was shitty

It might be good. 8 meat-heads 8 nerds and 8 whores

Its gotta be tough having a mother in her 40s that still hotter than her though

All Spider-man needs is another reboot. Can't get enough of Aunt May and Uncle dead guy

Aside from the fact that it was supposed to be Amy's fantasy image of Penny it seemed pretty spot on. Sheldon's indifference to his neighbor would definitely trigger Penny's insecurity and cause her to try and gain his attention

I was thinking it must be someone else didn't sound at all like her

The world was a better place before the introduction of the term "shipping"

Apparently that offended Oliver almost as much as the fat suits sounds like a boob hating fatty to me

They really did seem to pack too many subplots into a 5 hour series

Bobby is going to need at least 5 grease pencils to fix this mess next season

Funny how the only thing it take to get me to check out a bad movie is a review that mentions "gratuitous T&A"

I still feel bad about Coover

Is it unreasonable of me to want to see Dr Depaul in some sexual sitations given that her character has terminal cervical cancer? Ever since she appeared in Snatch as a skinhead I've had a thing for Julianne Nicholson

You could have written the same article about Lethal Weapon

Thank you to Darryl for handing her that rifle that close up of her ass was mighty fine

So whats the origin for this slap the same picture on the page 6 times? Its seems far too similar to the Slate.com conversion to not be some kind of template. Is there a traveling salesman touring the Internets selling this makeover kit?

You call that NSFW? I took my pants off at my desk for nothing

Blinking coloured lights are always cool the more the better

WTF was up with Harrison Ford? Was he drunk high or does he have alzheimers

Dweezil really looked badass in that beret