
"Finally, he loses Boneau himself to an attack by Narcisse’s men, who picked up his trail through means unknown. "

Nope I've seen the movie but still expected nudity from her on BE

Way back in the episode where they are walking on the Boardwalk and fake Jimmy's pal comes by and asks Gillian about him I knew the whole scam and yelled PINKERTON COCKSUCKER at my TV but then my mom told me to settle down

I liked the fact that Carol and probably everyone else assumed that Rick murdered Shane

I saw him he was standing between Fitz and Sully

I don't think he's doing her anymore

Yeah 100,000 people will go see a college football game but maybe 5-8000 would see the same players on a minor league team

Geez whats next are you gonna claim Brown Sugar is about Heroin?

Anything to back up your opinion? Its hardly revisionist history when it was widely reported shortly after the fight. Leonard had the rematch clauses in his contract from the first fight. You clearly have no objectivity on the subject based on your post its all Sugar Ray nuthuggery

If the Champion had been able to dictate the terms the fight would have been 3 months later and Leonard would have lost again.

I'm still curious to see if there is a link to steroids as well. Webster was probably the person who introduced Steroid use to the NFL

I don't get it what s the connection to Soccer? Heading the ball??

What I wanted to know was the circumstances of the brain donations. If the families had seen no disturbing personality traits from their loved ones before they died would they have been willing to let the brain harvesting occur or did all 46 families agree to this becasue they suspected something was wrong

I think its a valid point that needed more explanation the female Doctor was quick to dismiss it but it seems like the brains she has seen are the ones donated by families specifically because the players were already showing signs of CTE. They didn't make clear how many brains thay had examined of players who didn't

They had warm clothes in the19th century

So basically you'd think a 75 hour film of me taking shits after eating Mexican food would be great as long as it ended with me doing a death scene with a dog curling up next to me

You don't need the finale of Seinfeld you can ignore it and it doesn't change the series one iota

They wanted to have Sol Starr wear John Lennon glasses

Thing is Colton didn't have any reason to quit last time. When he went out with his sore vagina or whatever it was he was still pretty much in control of things so Jeff's characterization that he was quitting when things got tough just like last time didn't make much sense

The reviewers are only interested in how many articles they can milk out of the finale. With a straightforward finale they have to work harder to get people to read their crap