
Your comparison to Lost is so dumb I stopped reading

Why would they keep it after watching it?

So the Nazis had 70 million plus the 5-10 million Todd was bringing in from cooking Meth and the only thing they bought was a Massage Chair? How about a Bullet proof clubhouse Yo

Walt knows that Holly isn't his Ted is her father

He had already poisoned her when he heard that

Different poison different dose

You're assuming that the Nazis hung on to incriminating evidence against them months after they had no reason not to destroy it?

Whitey Bulger

Sepinwall has made a career out of the sopranos ending of course he would say that. A neat ending doesn't provide internet critics with a blank slate to write an endless number of columns about it like an ambiguous one does

Theres plenty of ambiguity to Cedric Daniels. He only became moral after being a dirty cop and taking home a couple of hundred grand in drug money

So Lars' dad is in this movie too?

John Fox: Jesus We finished first again overall and Peyton pulled another 1 and done can't we get rid of this sack of crap? Even Tebow could win a playoff game.

She works in his massage parlor case dismissed

Yup after season 2 it really looked like Sutter was going to make something special now I just keep watching to see how it ends

They both suck. Peyton plays great until the playoffs then chokes and Eli is an average QB who happened to play for a team with a defence that the Patriots can't handle for whatever reason. Now that their defence is gone we won't be hearing about Eli anymore and after the Broncos blow it in the 1st round Peyton will

How can you say its a great point about Bo if you've seen that 30 for 30? Bo refused to go to Tampa because he felt they deliberately got him banned from playing baseball. Elway andf Manning just wanted to control where they ended up

How the fuck do you get a job at the AVclub if you've never seen the Long Riders? Is there no screening process before you hire people like this?

Not mentioned because they weren't with IRS in 81

The important scene was at the car wash where Skylar confronts Lydia and says"I know who you are?" Lydia doesn't like loose ends

It is HBO she could get naked once an ep