
Its actually pretty good for such a retarded movie the 3 actors playing the brothers Fimmel being the youngest are all quite good in it

I assumed from the 3 times thing that the Viking Priest was familiar with the Bible

I'm still trying to wrap my head around Willem Dafoe as Johnny Utah

I even thought Jack Reacher was a pretty good movie aside from Cruise only being 5'3"

Exactly luckily you aren't one of the AVclubs apparently many puritan reviewers who are offended that their valuable time was wasted and you were able to look past those horribly offensive naked boobies and actually understand the scene

Really? How about homely and roly-poly

Don't you mean Frightened Ugly Pudgy Whore # 2

I think thats exactly whats going to happen Jimmy gets relocated in Ann Arbor or since Stef got caught by INS maybe even Canada.

She always had that "I thought this movie was bad and If you liked it then there's something wrong with you" tone to a lot of her reviews

I remember those days

Since he was owned by Cowell the answer was not much

Money must play a part in it. Idon't know how the union works but I assume a Brit or Canadian or Aussie who has never been in an American production is considered a first timer even if they have 20 years of experience outside the US and as a result you don't have to pay them as much

GoT is filmed in the UK and Europe there are tax breaks for hiring some nationalities

I recall seeing a picture of her with unshaven legs I was pretty certain she was a Wookie

As far as I know Samoans can't wear skinny jeans

Pfft Mustang, Spitfire, Hurricane it was the Rolls Royce Merlin engine that made them great put that motor in a German plane and it would have been the best fighter of the war

Favorite moment Lem playing shotgun air guitar

Seeing that scene made we want to run into him on the street and yell METALLICA in his face

Obviously you didn't see her in Lay the Favorite the only thing worse than her southern accent in that was her topless scene

He did buy a boat in the first episode