
When is that Russian asshole going to finish his Genghis Khan trilogy?

Except shelby doesn't have any connection to Clover Hill

That would be too Sons of Anarchy ish

I bet it got all over the tortillas

Except once they reanimate their heads become very pudding like not good for shielding

Even Todd's almost ready to admit she's not attractive

B- really? I'd like to see this movie as I'm a big fan of Hills but everyone else in the world has said that this movie is 7 ranks below shitty. Is Tobias just afraid to be honest because he had to interview Hill?

I still don't know why willem Dafoe was wearing that rubber outfit

He's an engineer with a Masters from MIT and works at Cal Tech and has been a specialist on the Space Station but apparently he makes 10 bucks an hour

The point is to make a whistle sound like its supposed to you'd need to print the ball on a little tab inside the whistle and then use a knife to cut it loose after but even the working one he shows here obviously doesn't have a ball in it so I'd say its not so easy

Johnny Pibe

Except that a man can't run 100 meters in 9.63 seconds only a man on drugs can do that

So did you end up sleeping with both of them or just Mr FBI

Cmon you didn't empathize with the New York Hipster dbags? What about the guy who risked everyone elses lives because he had to save his girlfriend who wasn't his girlfriend throw in a couple of lens flares and some shaky cam and you've got a JJ Abrams classic

Cmon you didn't empathize with the New York Hipster dbags? What about the guy who risked everyone elses lives because he had to save his girlfriend who wasn't his girlfriend throw in a couple of lens flares and some shaky cam and you've got a JJ Abrams classic

Cmon you didn't empathize with the New York Hipster dbags? What about the guy who risked everyone elses lives because he had to save his girlfriend who wasn't his girlfriend throw in a couple of lens flares and some shaky cam and you've got a JJ Abrams classic

1. Stranger Than Fiction
2. Generator
3. The Empire Strikes First
4. No Control
5. Recipe For Hate

Snatch,Lock Stock and Layer Cake are also Matthew Vaughn movies

My Mr Belevedere story: When I was a kid we went to LA for a vacation one of the things we did was go to CBS and get a chance to sit in on a focus group for a new sitcom. The show turned out to be Mr Belvedere but only the butler was the same the other characters were a single mother and her son. It wasn't very good

My fav about that column was how often the memory turned out to be from a canadian childrens movie/show