
Did you B.A. Baracuse yr first comment? OR were you Listlered away to a D.C. pup tent for a week? DIDN'T YOU WONDER WHY YOU GOT ALL THOSE ZEROS?!

As a current student of Linguistics, I'd say that whatever word you use that we know what you mean, is fine.
Also the English language is a fabrication, in your head, put there by machines.  That's science.  #WatchTheMatrixDVDExtras.

Alright,  I love Doctor Who, and this episode was mostly great…..(guess what) BUT,

It's basically Monk, but run by Dan Harmon

Tell your parent's to "take me to Chuck E Cheese or go to hell!"

Tell your parent's to "take me to Chuck E Cheese or go to hell!"

Dear Archmage,

Dear Archmage,