Veeing Fly

Sorry, guy, Alexander is awful. To Tame A Land!

Because they're the greatest albums IN THE HISTORY OF FUCKING EVERYTHING? Just a guess.


Go listen to Blood and Thunder (first track on Leviathan), and get back to us. We'll be here.

For some reason, I feel like hearing "The Duellists". Weird. btw, that song is harsh, bro.


Worker is correct about Powerslave. "The Rime…of the Ancient…Marinerrrrr!" Then Piece, then Number, then meh.

But…Ramona girl!

To me, he'll always be Jimmy James, Macho Business Donkey Wrestler

Some of us like Black Label.

It's a showdown in a no-man's land.

It's a wicked world when we can't get our favorite children of the grave to do St. Vitus'dance under the Laguna sunrise.

SpongyandBruised, your comment makes me weep.

Sonic Brew.

This means war, pigs!

Wow, not getting the hate here. My family saw it just this past Saturday, and my wife, 6 yo daughter and I all loved it. To quote Clark Griswald, "I think you're all fucked in the head!"

Euphoria Morning is far and away CC's best post-Soundgarden work. Ain't it a bitch when an artist rockets out of the gate with their first album, and spends the rest of their career failing to live up to its promise? Hate to sound harsh here, because I freaking love Chris Cornell, but Carry On and all of his

I'll put something in her stomach. Pastrami.


Scootch. Heh.