Hex Is Bored

Unpopular opinion, but I genuinely enjoyed the first Neighbors. I'll see this.

That album hit at a perfect time when things were pretty shitty, so I can never truly bash it. It's surprisingly good, I must admit.

Say what you will about Blink-182 but Christ almighty, Tom DeLonge is such a pretentious d-bag

Shit. Now I may have to see this.

He's no Banacek, I tell you what

20 seasons of pure procedural bliss


Even more so!

Vapor lock

Chewie and the Blowfish

I can't tell you how many panic attacks this game gave me when I first played it. Short answer: a metric f**k-ton. Speaking of which does anyone else remember how horrific the mask transformations were? Goddamn, Nintendo..

This legit made me cringe.

I love/hate that Ben Weasel pushed his way into this controversy before any of us had the opportunity to draw any parallels.

I think Paralytic Stalks gets a bum rap because as a whole it's a strange album, but the songs that do click are as every bit as great as their other stuff.

I strongly disliked False Priest for many years but it's slowly grown on me in the past months.

Much like AC Newman's "Shut Down The Streets" last year this might be my quintessential Fall album. Great stuff.

Was I the only one who didn't mind Reign of Terror? It's still a fun album, albeit not in the same way that the review was.


I believe the headline of this article meant to read "Let's Save Network Television…From Itself."

For everyone bashing this album, trust me the production might not compliment it, but the new material rips in concert.