
Everyone hates Opera. Even people who pretend to like it are only there for the upper class totty and pink gins at half time.

I feel sorry for the blind spider monkey which used to work the old search engine by printing out the search terms, immersing them in molten lead and dumping them off an old tramp steamer off the coast of Argentina. At least I presume that's what happened to them, as they never resulted in anyone ever being able to

This is a perfect example of the liberal fallacy in action. Lefties endlessly congratulate themselves on how wonderfully diverse, tolerant and inclusive they are but the least hint that anyone might think different from the party line evokes instant fury and cries for their banishment to the outer darkness.

They missed off World War Two
Though if we're going to live in a culture where the American remake of 'Ringu' is considered better than the original then the complete annihilation of human civilisation in the slated 'dark' revamp' "World War III" won't lack a silver lining.

It's handy if you want to heat up a can of soup while you're reading.