Ellen Degeneres With a Neckbea

In my mind he's always been a fictional character. It makes it so much easier to stomach. I tried watching the new Top Gear and I just could not care. Needless to say, I will also watch the shit out of this, and I've never cared about cars.

I've always thought Hitler's continuing existence in this reality means that either time travel will never be possible or that time travel works only via parallel timelines. Or that there are pretty good legal/technical restrictions in place. Or that future humanity thinks, eh, he wasn't that bad. He had some trouble

There was a recent Todd VanDerWerff's piece on Manchester by the Sea that was similar. Todd (a former A.V. Club contributor) writes some of the best pop culture criticism out there. Yet a huge part of his review (about what is apparently one of the best movies of the year) was spent explaining how difficult it is for

Exactly. Just because you're privileged in certain aspects of life doesn't mean all is fair game. In the Mara Wilson interview comment section the other day, someone said they didn't care about her mental health issues because she's wealthy and popular. I'm sure those people who condone this* would (rightly) object to

The worst part is, the audience doesn't even laugh at his quip, partly because of mistranslation.

He looks a lot more uncomfortable than he does in the header photo. I would not really suggest watching the video, but he does end it with a good burn.

"really good Christian "prayer" music"

That's probably why they put a fedora-wearing beardo as the header photo instead of, say, a photo of Oscar-winning film composer Michael Giacchino.

Are you saying… that was his plan all along?

The sad part is, his mother also doubted his innocence.

But if they don't release him, how will whoever made that free WWE tickets petition feel smugly satisfied about themselves?

It's especially weird since there's no real criticism being offered.

Ew, what's a "chewbacca" in this context? I don't want to google it.

And I'm already P-ing.

One of the best videos on the subject:

Oh pigly.

They really dropped the ball by not calling it Pitch, Please.

I'll get chewed out for this, but the original is still one of my cinematic blind spots. Been meaning to watch it for a looong time, but I'm not sure if it's even worth seeing outside of a screening.

Put on my old playlist while out on a run, and I must have been in a really crappy mood a few years ago, because who the fuck listens to "Famous Blue Raincoat" while exercising? When the parade of Leonard Cohen and Nick Cave dirges was interrupted by a song with a little more energy to it, I immediately put it on

You will find them, and you will kill them?