Ellen Degeneres With a Neckbea

He puts out a movie almost every year and it makes money, and you're still surprised? Also, people watch both his shitty and his good movies, and this one is apparently good. Unless you've seen it and know that it's not? Wait wait wait, you didn't actually pay to watch a movie made by someone you disagree with

El Barbo was given the short thrift, for sure.

People should start using spoiler tags with spoiler tags, like:

Which means that the claim that some of the smaller movies "did not receive a gigantic portion of the anti-remake, anti-reboot crowd" is not really an apt extrapolation. Especially in a summer where a lot of remakes/sequels/reboots notoriously underperformed.

Every frame is so — nah, not going to say it.

Do you think the contingent of people who complained about Ghostbusters as an example of a bad remake/reboot/sequel trend is sufficiently large to be able steer the course of Hollywood in a different direction, or even turn The Nice Guys (which I loved when I saw it at the theater, by the way) into a hit?

Movies can be more than two things?

Small movies fail all the time, but the point is that you take less risk if you diversify. Look at something like Blumhouse, whose whole business model (I think) is built on small profitable genre films.

The summer season has been so disappointing that I ended up seeing The Shallows at the theater a few weeks ago. Every moment of that movie was exactly what you'd expect (sometimes laughably so), and I still had fun watching it.

How about a compromise, a Narcos Great Job, Internet! supercut with every character replaced by Tim Allen?

I love how there was a "fall TV preview" article on the homepage a few minutes ago and when you clicked on it, it said "not found". So apt…

Yeah, it's disturbing, given how much of his work was about wiping dinosaurs off the face of the Earth.

That Yoda is so high.

Same here. I assumed it must be another movie by everyone's 5th favorite Coppola.

PTSD doesn't exist?

People are now refraining from downvoting you just to spite you. Don't worry, I'll still downvote you, because I don't disagree with you to such an extent that I won't downvote you just because you said you'll be downvoted!

I'm sure I've flagged a few people in my day, but I don't know that I've ever downvoted anyone on purpose.

Maybe Afghamistam.

Going even further with that and maybe remove usernames as well, because I always know I'll be hitting the downvote button as soon as I see the name "Afghamistam".

Reddit has such a wide-ranging community and array of topics that saying you hate it is kind of like saying "I hate the Internet" - which, yeah, I guess you could make a point for that as well - but the parts you're referring to are really only one contingent that looks much larger because of how loud they are, how

If only you used the original title, all those problems would have been replaced by worse problems.