
Yeah, I remember some interview way back when it came out - the chick is the abusive one - "she said 'I don't know if I've ever been loved…. oh well, say nice things to me, i've been cheated, i want to push you around.'" Exercise in the singing from the feminine perspective as a dude I guess, but seriously it never

II like Counting Crows and their best album came out in 1996. So there's that.

I will always have a soft spot for Dizzy Up the Girl - something about Black Balloon really works for me where Iris didn't so much.

That second album (Friction, Baby) definitely had more of a grunge sound but they're not really in that "wannabe" category. Same with like Tonic. There are plenty of bands that fit the wannabe label but there was none of the requisite angst in either of those two.

"Dave Matthews is an amazing musician, but his face and mannerisms are so, so punchable." See also: John Mayer.

There's a good amount I like on that album - songs like The Dam at Otter Creek have this dark edge but isn't over the top goofy. And for whatever reason I think Pillar of Davidson sounds fantastic even if I have no clue what the fuck he's singing about.

I like your line of thought, but I think Let Her Cry and What Time Is It? would be the songs I'd like to categorize those bands.

I saw Cars for free at the official premier at the Lowe's Motor Speedway 2 nights before the Coca Cola 600 in 2006 and I thought it was hands down the worst Pixar movie to date so there to your ad hominem. Believe it or not, giving Larry the Cable Guy a microphone to explain to the crowd just why it was so great

Incredibles is the most grown up of all the Pixar movies in that it's a straight up superhero movie that just happens to be computer animated. It's intense in a way that Marlon and Dory stuck in a whale or Mr. Henderson being chased by talking dogs doesn't quite eclipse.

Have a 3 year old - Wall E keeps growing on him. My hope is that it continues to do so into his 20's and then maybe someday shares it with his kid. I honestly can't think of any other movie I've ever had that thought about.

Cars is just terrible. It's Doc Hollywood, but longer, dumber, and with less heart and nudity. I refused to see Cars 2 on principle and just assume it's worse. It might very well be better than Cars because Cars is just so bad.

It's a good movie for younger kids, still sad enough with a dad-death and all. But it will forever best the entire Cars franchise if for no reason than Good Dinosaur has no Larry the Cable Guy.

In the video for that song wasn't the boy, like, buried in a tree or something?

Kinda like she did with the lyrics.

She sort of skipped over the part where the kid's graduating and just wants to borrow the car rather than hang out with his dad. Otherwise she'd get the son was probably using the kids' flu as an excuse to get out of seeing his dad more than he was actually burdened taking care of sick kids.

I wonder what you see if you have synesthesia and you listen to a Kanye.

I remember being in 6th grade and getting bullied because I bought the same cool shoes all the cool kids were wearing, but I wasn't a cool kid. At least kids these days can blame Yeezy when that happens.

I am not one to defend the show, but the whole point I took from that was almost nothing to do with what Luke was feeling and everything with what Phil was feeling. He's always been Luke's biggest cheerleader and always trying to be his best friend. In most instances he would have walked in to give a high five and

I remember watching that episode and rolling my eyes, saying aloud to my wife "of COURSE her favorite singer in Jeff Mangum." I can't pretend to be OG here or anything, I fall squarely into that group of 2003 college kids. My friend turned me onto the album without knowing any of the "myth" but I had no idea how

I know they played it when I saw them in 2012 - I didn't really remember it (or maybe it's that different now) but I remembered liking it and I like that track a lot on the album.