
Ross: Now *I'm* so happy!

This is pretty cool but Rodrigo y Gabriela's flamenco guitar cover is still the best imo.

Praise the Maker! Now I just need to teach my wife to be my Astromech counterpart. I will fly the ship with the joystick and she will use the keyboard to transfer more power to the rear shields when I need it. Also she can only answer me in beeps and squeaks…she's going to LOVE this…

I think the movie is incredible. Then again, I did see it before I read the book. I also loved the book. I'll go ahead and be contrarian and say you should watch the movie first, because assuming you enjoy it, you'll only enjoy the book that much more when you read it. If you read the book first, you'll probably

I long for the days when I played X-wing and TIE fighter with my friend. Though technically single player, we had a ton of fun with one person being the pilot, using the joystick, while the other was the loyal astromech droid, using the keyboard to divert power from the engines to the lasers, set deflector shields to

You're welcome!

Like that Ben Folds and Tori Amos duet (You Don't Know Me), but probably a lot better! (and I like You Don't Know Me quite a bit)

I can't come up with anything as definitive as a list to rank how I feel about PJs albums, but I'm strongly in the camp of those who think Yield is awesome. I definitely wouldn't put it in their "slump" or as one of their not as good albums.

Having now seen the film in 3D at both 48 and 24 FPS, hoo boy am I relieved by the 24 FPS experience.  Who knows, maybe someone will figure out a way to make 48 work in the future, but 24 really allowed me to get immersed and enjoy the movie, instead of being constantly distracted by how CHEAP the actors all looked.

Having now seen the film in 3D at both 48 and 24 FPS, hoo boy am I relieved by the 24 FPS experience.  Who knows, maybe someone will figure out a way to make 48 work in the future, but 24 really allowed me to get immersed and enjoy the movie, instead of being constantly distracted by how CHEAP the actors all looked.

Still figuring out how not to fail at this Disquis thing, but in response to the question "did the eagles look a bit crap to you?"  I'd say, a bit, but they were mostly ok.

Still figuring out how not to fail at this Disquis thing, but in response to the question "did the eagles look a bit crap to you?"  I'd say, a bit, but they were mostly ok.

Interesting what you're saying about the CGI.  In 3D FPS, the CG background scenery didn't always look perfect (a couple of the wide shots of Rivendell come to mind), but the creatures, by and large looked incredible, I thought.  Sad if 24 FPS ruins this somehow.  Azog's not a particularly compelling villain, but in

Interesting what you're saying about the CGI.  In 3D FPS, the CG background scenery didn't always look perfect (a couple of the wide shots of Rivendell come to mind), but the creatures, by and large looked incredible, I thought.  Sad if 24 FPS ruins this somehow.  Azog's not a particularly compelling villain, but in

I really liked the movie, overall.  Sure it has pacing problems, not every joke/scene works etc., but I still felt it was quite well done overall.  I'd rate the movie in the B or B+ range.

I really liked the movie, overall.  Sure it has pacing problems, not every joke/scene works etc., but I still felt it was quite well done overall.  I'd rate the movie in the B or B+ range.

Given this is the Spoiler Space, I hope I don't get crucified for posting what's going to happen in movie 3, if they follow the book, but all three Sexy Dwarves die in battle.  i.e. Thorin, Fili, and Kili.  In the case of Fili and Kili, I hope their deaths are as messy and awful as possible, not because I don't like

Given this is the Spoiler Space, I hope I don't get crucified for posting what's going to happen in movie 3, if they follow the book, but all three Sexy Dwarves die in battle.  i.e. Thorin, Fili, and Kili.  In the case of Fili and Kili, I hope their deaths are as messy and awful as possible, not because I don't like