
I'm pretty sure we're just a few months away from the announcements of news shows like Bitch Hunter, MILF Island, God Cop, Homonym and SeinfeldVision.

NBC: We have a magical horse?

More casting news:

Don't call it that

He's turning 50 later this year, and that's insane.

Welcome to the reviews by Dyess-Nugent …

There it is. The second one. Right there.

If this site ever writes a Newswire about Garret Dillahunt getting cast in a new movie or tv show I urge you to use a picture of him with the "Sassy Bitch" helmet on his head.

"Family Matters was for many people with terrible taste, the best show of the 90's"

I like her (her Youtube channel is really funny) but it seems like she's trying to do the most impossible things on the show, I mean, why would a small and cute woman even try to be Nancy Grace?

The change to a reality show tone when they did the cooking competition was impressive, not many shows have the confidence to do that so early on in the run. It also reminded me that not many shows do that type of stuff since Scrubs, but I guess it makes sense since Kevin Biegel is behind this.

'But they did think alike…and neither could land a blow'

Oh, great, now I want to watch season 4 of AD again….."I assure you, there's nothing ambiguous about me. I'm Johnny Storm, the Human Flamer"

I can't think of any sitcom couple more suitable for eachother than Burt and Virginia right now…sorry Ben and Leslie buy it's the truth..

"You reek of Gin"

Since blogs and Internet magazines started to write about how they only hired white people this year, there is no way SNL could be winning this debate. Not hire anyone - losing because not listening, hire someone - losing because tokenism

I loved that Brooks Wheelans character supposedly just took his sick horse to the animal hospital in the middle of the city.

Too soon