DJ Burn

Operation Yewtree totally put a different spin on "Tie Me Kangaroo Down" by Rolf Harris. Speaking of fucking creeps.

I think I need to stop going on the internet. I'm amazed I even get out of bed these days.

Missy Elliot is considered old school now?

What does Dan Savage have to say about this?

I pray that I never fall afoul of Sean O'Neal.

I'm changing my LinkedIn 'Summary' to "naked, chiseled, and glistening."

Pretty nuanced review. Buddy of mine says "Ghostface is the manic Joe Pesci to Raekwon's subdued Robert DeNiro", which I think is great.

Any word on who gets the rights to Fogerty's "Rockin' Santa", featuring The Wiggles?

"They said that chivalry is dead; then why is her body in my bed?" - Cee Lo, "Bodies", 2010

I got one of my first boners watching the animated movie in the scene where Robin and Maidn Marian meet and kiss. True story.

On the last day of work at my first job, a like-minded stoner lady brought me some weed brownies as a going-away present. She gave them to me before lunch, expecting I'd pack them away and eat them on a rainy day at home in a non-threatening environment where I was unlikely to encounter members of the general public,


No word on how he feels about 227 though?


When I was about ten, I sent the cutest thing I've ever done to Stan Lee: a request for him to draw me a picture of Spider Man. I didn't quite realize that "creator" didn't mean "guy who draws stuff". Anyway, Mr. Lee's assistant typed up a gracious reply and included a signed photograph of the big guy in front of a

Damn - I thought this was going to be about Krull, the first movie I ever saw in the theatre.

In Evil's BM? (W, presumably)

Ian McShane could totally be the Baron. But he could also do a nice Gurney Halleck.

I wanted James Gandolfini to play Baron Harkonnen and Philip Seymour Hoffman to play the Emperor in a Dune reboot. I may have cursed them. RIP

"If you feel underpaid, just do less work" - comedian on Letterman a couple weeks ago