
It's ok Lindsay, quitting House of Cards was the right call.

BIRD PERSON NOOOOO! He was the greatest person and the best bird we ever knew. I refuse to accept that he's dead until they rub it in my face next season.

I hate to say it, but the interdimensional tv felt like a pale imitation of the first round. It worked better as a light recurring gag throughout "normal" episodes, like when we saw Ball Fondlers on Gear World or the Three Brothers poster. I still enjoyed it, but it wasn't the nonstop, gasping for breath absurdity of

I suppose the only way this can end is for Nina to finish her assignment and betray Anton (although, what more exactly can the Soviets do to him if they find out he's deceiving them/not working hard enough? He's already imprisoned and killing him seems off the table due to his usefulness. I'm confused about their

I'm curious, what are your picks for the 3 good-not-special movies? I would guess A Bug's Life, Monster's University, and… I'm not sure, maybe Brave? Apart from the 2 Cars movies (and while the original was more than a little bland, it wasn't as toxic as the sequel), I would only have picked Bug's and MU for

Showing the enemies as still frames in the background as Toph explained this to Korra seemed like overdoing it to me though