Generic Orange Soda

I read a lot of Myers in high school. Somewhere in the Darkness and Monster are both great books, as others before me have said already. R.I.P.

He gets punched in the face in this one, so I guess that balances it all out.

Pretty much. I don't understand what's going on in their heads… I looked at their choices for the role and they weren't any more attractive than him (and were largely terrible actors). Also, Shailene Woodley looks exactly how I pictured Hazel, and she's a great actress to boot. I don't see why they're so mad about her

The stupid little fangirls that got so pissed about the casting for The Fault in Our Stars made me laugh so hard. They tend to be the kind of Tumblr special snowflakes that think they're so deep for reading John Green books instead of Twilight, yet their true colors come to light when they throw bitch fits over an

I'm ashamed that I know this (and I only know this from Wikipedia and reading a mockery/dissection of the novel), but Anasthetic Steele is a college graduate. Which, considering her pants-on-head stupidity, is easy to miss.

People actually believed this was going to happen?

Nothing should ever be described as "[something else] meets Project X" as if that's a good thing. 

Wow, and I thought I couldn't be MORE offended by anything about this episode!

I forgot they were still airing it on ABC Family. I watched it more there than on Disney Channel because they aired it after school and Disney had it on at midnight.

I forgot they were still airing it on ABC Family. I watched it more there than on Disney Channel because they aired it after school and Disney had it on at midnight.

I used to watch it on that channel about eight years back… but as far as I know it hasn't aired on there in a really long time. They should air this on ABC Family or something instead, no way it can be worse than their current programming.

I used to watch it on that channel about eight years back… but as far as I know it hasn't aired on there in a really long time. They should air this on ABC Family or something instead, no way it can be worse than their current programming.

As a documentary, it's a neat idea. As this… oh, I can just taste the ways this movie could go wrong.

As a documentary, it's a neat idea. As this… oh, I can just taste the ways this movie could go wrong.

10 pages of comments and not a SINGLE mention of The Other Sister? Possibly the most unintentionally vile, offensive, and contemptible film I have ever seen, except for maybe Seven Pounds.

10 pages of comments and not a SINGLE mention of The Other Sister? Possibly the most unintentionally vile, offensive, and contemptible film I have ever seen, except for maybe Seven Pounds.

And then she made The Reader.

And then she made The Reader.

I think the only reason she still gets work is because nobody actually saw Molly when it was first released, and the unlucky few who have seen it on cable blacked out halfway through and repressed all memories of it.

I think the only reason she still gets work is because nobody actually saw Molly when it was first released, and the unlucky few who have seen it on cable blacked out halfway through and repressed all memories of it.