urethra franklin

of course I did Olyphantastic, if indeed that is your real name, but prior to that I was hoping it was some awesome grizzled character actor (much like the way Robert Forster turned up late in the game on BB)

weak troll, bro

it used to irritate the hell out of me but I've grown to love the theme song

you can't have Duffy without the Wynn

in all honesty, this is the first time I've even considered that

was straight from an Elmore Leonard book too (52 Pick-Up)

Anyone else hoping that the mysterious mountain man might just turn out to be the much yearned-for Ian McShane?

pretend what doesn't exist?


Scott Glenn

The random roles interview he did on this here website is a thing of great beauty. Best line (from memory) is "I'll fight Godzilla for 320 bucks!"

Dana Scully: the thinking man's crumpet or a ginger minger?
Discuss/Disqus . . .

maybe it's over you

christ, I want to move to your street

Mike from Veep has really let himself go

plus he's really made the "shit-eating grin" his own

had to google Ruth Negga and found out she is "Ethiopian/Irish" which sounds like every offensive joke I ever heard in primary school rolled into one.

Scott Glenn for the Saint Of Killers

it is one of my favourites, and I'm generally against remakes on GP, but yes this could possibly be one of the greatest things ever if he got it right

expect a lot of complaints from soul singers and urologists