urethra franklin

yep, season 5 was a bit shaky but did have some all time classic episodes (the capture of Theo Tonin being one), and they're going out on a high it seems.

I guess on face value it could have a edgy ring to it but see that would solely depend on what kind of associations you have with the term.

"When we named ourselves, we were naive about the history of a war in a country we knew very little about."

much like the spicy tampon

I'm late to the party on this one but I liked it. Rosario Dawson is the hotness, and it's great when she's given something good to work with. Some of the scenes and flashbacks felt a bit out of place with the best bits of the film, which was more like Linklater's Before trilogy than I expected from the trailer.

"it's like Clapton's sitting right there in your house."

the Arthur remake must come close

or just tell it then spin the planet backwards

black don't crack

Polder deserves better than this

…said no-one ever

I don't remember any of this horseshit being in the "international best-selling novel" at all

"12 Years" is a horrible title if you ask me. Boyhood isn't bad at all, but it does undercut some of the other characters I suppose.

FUCK YEAH BITCH DEAL WITH IT (or words to that effect)

Ethan Hawke's character is an interesting one because judging from the trailer and the early part of the movie, you'd expect him to be a total fuck-up as a dad, but then he ends up owning. You could easily make the case that the film is as much about parenthood, but I guess that name was already taken.


oh the kerning sucks but the idea is great

the Hall & Oates logo in Metallica font is the only good job here

I just can't phantom what is going on here

My favourite episode was the one where he solves his 100th case.