urethra franklin

wait this is actually the Vietnamese dude from 21 Jump Street

James Franco just snapped up the movie rights

Blue Jasmine was the one that made me think "yeah I never need to go see one of these things at the cinema ever again"

this guy is like Uncle Phil's evil twin

turtley with you on that one

oh hey look its Marilyn Manson

now that is a cheap price

It all went downhill after watching Jon Voight huffing amyl nitrate at a gay club and dancing to Heavy D & The Boyz, but that obviously is the zenith of any TV show.

most people I know only jumped on board around then (if not later)

well if nothing else his black/Italian heritage made him a perfect fit as Giardello's kid

and Robin Williams

You said it Cook, I've been a fan of this guy ever since Bakersfield PD and his stint on Homicide. His range is incredible.

yeah that Samuel L Jackson is always playing chess

fresh canceraids!

Fant4stic: Citizens On Patrol

"be ready for what's coming."
"what's coming?"
"the answers . . ."

Crawl, walk, and then sheeeeeeeeeit

people like blood sausage
people are morons

I guess this is what it's like to be Seth Rogen

am I the only person who thinks RTJ1 is better than RTJ2?