The Quincunx Five

Serial killers all!

Tell you what, he's not going to be fighting Daredevil with hordes of magic ninja anytime soon.

I would become an Army Officer just to hear this guy drone out his lines.

Why would people even still have lightbulbs and lamps cluttering up the place? And old ceiling fans are a death trap.

I don't get it.

"Six Degrees of *Divorce*" is the next logical step.

"Klaxons are cool"?
"Negative points are cool"?

This is probably a very silly question, though I can't divine in what way precisely it will be silly, but it's also very hard to Google, so I will hazard it: Is it your sense that women who are not blonde feel some pressure to dye their hair blonde? Is there an expectation of blondeness?

Bill Bailey has already been on, iirc, but not too conspicuously.

He was.


Bolos are cool!

It might be best. (Though of course all future regenerations will still have the Impossible Girl coming in to save the Doctor from the Great Intelligence's messing with every moment of the timeline. Mostly offscreen, I assume.)

Jesus, the haters would drive him to suicide.

"This is Jack Burton in the Pork Chop Express, and I'm talkin' to whoever's listenin' out there."

The music room *is* the heart of the house.


Clara has been all preamble (plus the quick answer to the mystery) so I echo your wish for one more series. Oh well.

"Doctress"? "Doctorette"? These make it sound illicit or like she does can-can high kicks.

Eff Star Star Cunt!