air raid

You are right. Beaumont brought in a LOT of acts that would overfill the small places and not sell enough to take on those slightly larger places. I'd love to see Beaumont re opened! heh. Blue Note in Columbia and actually the Outland Ballroom in Springfield has some of those acts as they transition through flyover

Do you know what happened to Beaumont? I came up from Springfield all the time to see shows there. You guys still have Riot Room and Record Bar (and Uptown and Midland).

April 29—Gillioz Theatre—Springfield, Massachusetts. Hey guys, it's Missouri. Just to help out.

This list made me actually Laugh Out Loud. There only seems to be one staffperson who knows what a guitar solo is (congrats on AWilhelmScream). Easy answer of Freebird is easy. Get Zodiac Motherfucker on here to answer this question correctly.

All things King and all that:

The saddest Roger Miller song. "One Dyin and a Buryin".
McCartneys "Blackbird"
Alice in Chains "Man in the Box"

Apparently it was taken on the corner of 23rd and 8th in Manhattan according to Frehely's new biography. I LOVE THAT PHOTO

Apparently it was taken on the corner of 23rd and 8th in Manhattan according to Frehely's new biography. I LOVE THAT PHOTO

Hydrox-loving nerds even?

I think the writers of TrueBlood watch the Walking Dead and killed the kid on purpose to show the other writers what to do…

I think the writers of TrueBlood watch the Walking Dead and killed the kid on purpose to show the other writers what to do…

agree on going to see Motorhead. Ive seen em three times (once even as openers for the FooFighters). If you can, see em in a club. Every song the soundboard pushes the volume just a bit till just before Lemmy launches into "Ace of Spades" he goes on a rant for a couple of minutes that you have no idea what he's

Thanks Genevieve…