Echos Myron

Fair enough!

Silver to Poot's gold.

Never seen that site before, but it looks like something I can waste quite a few hours on.

When physicists and engineers pointed out to Larry Niven that the Ringworld would have drifted into its star unless it had some kind of stabilization system, he went ahead and wrote a sequel that went out of its way to address that point.

The 31st of Fuckyouvember.

God's Peed you black, Emperor!

That will end up being like The Complete Peanuts, only slightly more misanthropic.

Never seen Ghostbusters? Shouldn't you have moved to The Dissolve?

First sequel is a gentlemanly courtesy.

Imogen Gay Poots stills holds medal in the Women's Division.

Tito's is the best. The absolute best. Grey Goose tastes like the dregs of a bottle of nail polish remover left to rot in the sun for a decade in comparison to Tito's.

Yeah, well my daughter broke her leg then died of measles there, so fuck Kansas.

Without a question or a doubt, Monster a Go Go was the single worst thing MST3k riffed.

Precisely! I just did a set, a small treehouse, and included were a few 2x2 tiles with studs on the bottom… STUDS ON THE BOTTOM! My god!

Cue The Commodores in 3… 2… 1…

Archmage, I love you and you are one of my favorite commenters, surely in the top 10, but the time for LEGO NEVER PASSES.

Blasphemy. Worse than Megablocs. It's like saying "Why buy that new (insert good artist here) album, when the KidzBop version is cheaper?"

In the LEGO community $.10 per brick is the standard for calculating value, as in "is this set worth the money?" If a set has 350 elements and sells for $29.95 it's a good deal, as it's below that $.10 per figure. If it's a 57 piece set for $19.95, it's not, etc.


Yeah, because no one here has ever done anything odd like create an
account based on a muppet and then proceed to speak like that muppet for