Echos Myron

Too soon

Can't sell out if you were a fraud to begin with…


I got Zeppo :(

I saw a place last week, either in Kitty Hawk or Kill Devil Hills, NC that was called "Mexican Restaurant". That's it. Not "Dave's Mexican Restaurant" or "Oceanside Mexican Restaurant", just "Mexican Restaurant".

The squid quote is not meant to be dismissive? Oh please. If I said your mother looked like a horse, would you believe it if my friend said "Oh, well, horses are often revered for their form and beauty! Echos was just paying a compliment!"

Lucky. I had to rim Gabe Kaplan.

Does it have to do with people liking to feel good by going through the motions, even though they are accomplishing nothing?


@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus Have I heard it lately on 92.5 FM The Fox, Cincinnati's Classic Rock Station?

Patton Oswalt is my mother, Sir.

Twitter is the medium, an individual Twitterer is the source.

You lose the AV Club Comments

HA HA HA! Oh my goodness! My sides! The way you snidely pointed out wolf's typo/common grammatical error as though it was intentional? Comedy Gold! You win the AV Club!

Yeah who wouldn't also want to be Larry the Cable Guy, Dane Cooke, or that dick with the puppets!

It's a SIN!

Don't forget the haunting closing theme which uses an orchestral version of an obscure Rolling Stones song as its melody!

@avclub-bd4918705794f8404db19a92c998b98a:disqus Obama could quote John Birch and get called a socialist.

@avclub-8f09b270dacd2e783d0c25f669670902:disqus We hoi-poloi may refer to buggering each others mothers as much as we want. We are nothing. Sean O'Neal is the single greatest journalist of his generation, a God among us pityful half-men.

Absolutely crammed with hot gypsies