I just signed up to say that I

Hey, author; why not talk less about yourself and find proper, musical, historical anecdotes to explain yourself here? That's what all the good critics do. An anecdote could have spared us an article about, basically, yourself. You are a bad writer. Or to paraphrase Rabin, a bad, bad writer.

Toi, t'es un vrai, toi, d'abruti.

Thank you for stating what they all should know readily, but put aside to let that good old mob mentality give them a free pass to spite-land.

Nah, don't feel bad for him. He always bounces back up. Well, now that I think of it, he may be manic-depressive. Always spinning around, like that.

Oh, you have no idea about the yo-yo Man. He's a machine with that stuff.

Ridiculous. Reznor writes for his spouse, sings about getting old and irrelevant, and since Year Zero, clearly sings about the 1% in any of their incarnations.
He is still, however, as prudish and grandly naive regarding sex, as he always was and always will be.
Most of all, though, he just shuts up and collects academy

Yeah… There are no long-term hero addicts with this kind of teeth.

… Then asking his son-in-law Trent to help him remember the words to that song he liked to sing.

think she looks like a perfect woman to love and adore, and that Mr or Mrs Ganz must be a happy puppy.

The rape is in the real cut in the movie. It is more than deliberate, and as remarked, it is the big pivotal act that really forces you to watch more than you ever wanted, because you know, if they come to see that, then they can't complain….

I do not think you know who the "little Gregory" was. It would quench your thirst right there.

Only as an emotional feedback which, 20 years after the facts, remains perfectly preserved. This movie is the worst instincts of a 12 year-old kid… Listen, watch it, enjoy the rape scenes, and load this into your psyche. As it seems you are keen to respond to reverse psychology. Go! Go see it now! It's something… And

come from the region where this thing originated. It is unbearable. It thinks it is crass. It's not. Forget this thing. It's of no use to anyone. And Benoît Poellvoerde is a hateable assh@le. Believe me, he's a star in France now. Need I say more? I did not find the rape scene funny. Neither did the "little Gregory"…

I just signed in to say that I see what you did there. Red is dead, baby!

I just signed in to say that I see what you did there. Red is dead, baby!

I just signed in to say that I support this new gimmick. Look! Over there! It's a sexy magazine!

I just signed in to say that I support this new gimmick. Look! Over there! It's a sexy magazine!