
Definitely OTNB's Piper, at least until – SPOILER ALERT – the last five minutes of the finale, when she goes caveman on that white-trash meth head chick

Yeah, but Jin shoulda left Sun to drown rather than leave there child an orphan.

I always hoped a dingo would eat Claire's baby, just so she could announce in her Aussie accent: "A dingo ate mah baby!"

Agreed, Locke and Ben were very nearly the whole fucking show.

Nice jeans, though.

Much as I enjoyed The Americans, the rest of it was never as good as that extended opening scene set to that Fleetwood Mac classic

As a lead, agreed. But as a recurring, like on 30 Rock, he's top notch.

Kudos to you. Kudos.

She's in heaven with that hippie-chick Natalie now.

Yeah, I noticed that too, the cameraman just hanging outside the bathroom stall, and thought it odd.

Yeah, I stuck with the River longer than I meant to, as in the whole run, even though I fund most of the characters annoying, especially the bearded hipster cameraman/research assistant – and that same actor ended up playing almost the same role in the truly terrible Zero Hour, which I gave up on after two episodes.

Just got done watching the season – series? – finale, and decided to look around on-line for word of the show's fate. And very happy to find this post, and all the comments, because now I don't fell like I fool for enjoying this scrappy little show as much as I did. Seriously, I don't have a single friend who watches