
Oh hey, check it out, somebody's wrong on the internet

Mike Myers has seized the role of his dreams — a raper of cats.

No you're right, and it aired a lot of saturday morning fox cartoons in regular rotation. Then it became ABC family or something, idk, it network ping pongs

Nah you've got it :') Keep it up champ.

Yes. Yes I am.

I think that Hank and Dean turned 18 recently? Maybe? If not, they're at least 17, which is the statutory age in most of the US, though I don't know about the faux-Nevada/Arizona/Cali/American Southwest that I think Venture Brothers takes place in

Like Brock
I am so proud of Hank. :') Those halcyon teenage days, Venture Brother's good at hitting a few emotional chords at the same time as being absurdly dark.

Damn skippy.



I know the shows are pretty terrible, but at least Todd gives them a vague chance, instead of being a contrarian dick? Maybe it's just because I thought the Family Guy episode deserved an F (first half had no gags and stupid hollow, Brian-heavy, bad Rush Limbaugh appearance, and the second half started to get into

Yeah, that must be grating as all hell.

The problem with the new Dog Days video, is that there is a FANTASTIC video already recorded, from back when Lungs was released, and Dog Days was a single along with Drumming and Rabbit Heart. It was fun, had a creepier feel in some ways, and was definetely more Kate Bush-esque than whatever's going on in

A lot of people really do just "stumble" into positions. I mean, Pam's the kind of every-woman kind of character it would be more broad for her to actually scheme and directly plot it out. Instead, she just kinda claimed at it, and it really worked with her personality over the seasons.

Yeah, absolutely, I agree. What I'm saying is, don't be afraid to throw out that '10' every now and again too. A's are alright, and if you need the extra umph, there's always the elusive A PLUS.

Has there been any comparisons to the Funny Games/Funny Games remake yet?

You guys aren't pitchfork. I mean, I admire that you don't want to dole out too many of the A's, right? But, it's just as meaningless if everything is a '7' or an '8', or, just generally 'this is really good but IT DOESN'T DEFINE A GENERATION'.

Why is everything pitched these days "Like a mix between x and y and with a little z"

Actually Myst ended with you meeting an old guy trapped under a fireplace. So, much better payoff.

"The scanner's showing there's four bombs next to us"
"But.. there's five spaces."
"What do we do?"