
Lost didn't have a wicked cool tree-house city though :(

The movie will be entirely pre-rendered in gorgeous 3d animation, and then made into static frames. Pixar watch out!

Re-animate Fred Gwynne's head upon a body of assembled corpse-parts, call it method acting, and I would so watch.

No he is a beautiful silver fox

Congrats! You get, idk, a mild flu. Maybe an achey shoulder.

Don't forget that vampires are mostly vulnerable to Christian iconography, and as ninjas are primarily an eastern thing, they'd be strong on that front. Except for like, supernatural-being fighting buddhist monks or something, but that's just radical.

Dolly Parton. That's how I did it.

Also there's a direct to dvd sequel.

Also Vacancy would have been awesome if they died. I mean, it's a good movie anyways, because it's still intense, but if they died? I would have walked out of that theater feeling downbeat and kinda grim and it would have fucked up my afternoon. Instead they have to try and make it -uplifting-. At least Clive Owen

Heath Ledger dies.

People laugh, stop overcompensating nerd, we know you're a dork you don't have to act like you're something cool in the most absurd way ever. 'feh, who laughs more than 10 seconds'

Kimya Dawson's pretty awesome tho.

Oh no, it is that same side project, and you just linked a myspace with some of their songs! Way to be DATED jerks

Pipes You See, Pipes You Don't is an Olivia Tremor Control side project, so Pipes You See, Pipes You Don't See is one hells of a misleading group.

If by 'in the past' you mean 'two or three weeks ago' then yes, you have been being really bipolar about what direction you want the show to take. More on the minor characters! No! No! More on the major characters! I can't make up my mind! The timing's been weird and there's been a few flat gags (woo, big

I'd like to add that the auto-tuning of Glee (and the gloss of the movie) really removes some of the authenticity, with the rasp in the voice and the occasional cracking, it's emotionally powerful in the raw.

Right, as a conventional song, And I Am Telling You would be overdone , but you gotta remember in Dreamgirls it starts with It's Not Over, which is a driving song that ties together a lot of the events of the first act, putting out a lot of the conflict and bringing it to a fever pitch. And I Am Telling You is

Omaha's the birthplace of Malcolm X, and the Astaires, and Warren Buffet! don't hate us! we ain't as bad as the rural places. Rural New York and Cali suck too ya know

Yeah, also first nations works.

who knows, bugattis are so ugly in the first place it's hard to tell.