
I didn't say he wasn't. I said, pretend he isn't and see if it fits.

Funny, it was making me think of Wee Britain. "Who is Mr. F?" "You are No. 6!"

Plenty of people have tried to approach this series from different angles over the last 40 years. I say, Rock On, Zach!

Speaking of fights…I can't wait to see how you try to explain Kosho! Over many years, I've been able to justify virtually everything in this series — but Kosho? No friggin' clue.

Well, the only argument really needed for placing 'Dance' 2nd is that they "kill" him off to the outside world. By doing this right away, we never find ourselves asking why someone isn't trying to find him. And to put it later in the run…well, it makes the Village look kind of stupid for not thinking of breaking his

Infinitely better Kinkian Kinks choice: Life Goes On from Sleepwalker.

a reason
So sad that Violent Femmes and Simon & Garfunkel were so obvious as to be left out that I now must kill myself. YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND!!

Yes, that was not a McGoohan conceived episode. It has Markstein all over it.

Arrived today, made very welcome.
As an exercise, try watching the original six episodes conceived by McGoohan (I'm leaving out Fall Out because…well, it sort of needs to be isolated and studied like some mysterious virus) with the idea in mind that he's not a secret agent. Perhaps he worked for a company that had

The official version I've always heard was that CBS refused to air Living In Harmony because of the rape and murder of Kathy. Rape is implied, but it's pretty obvious that's what's going on. Which, if you watch it even now, is pretty intense for television.

The traditional ordering where A, B & C comes third is just wrong. For many reasons, but most of all, Gordon fear of his masters must come after The General and not before. (Plus, Six's first "victory" shouldn't come so early in the series.)

speaking of serial killers…
Mitchell C. Hall has to get eliminated soon so he can go start being College Flashback Dexter on Season 4.

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