j. neas

I never saw "Song 2" as a parody of grunge. Damon Albarn said at the time (and, seriously, go back and listen to their self-titled record and see if you don't agree) that the album's biggest influence was American indie ala Pavement. _Blur_ sounds like _Wowee Zowee_ filtered through British trad rock and pop. No joke.

I worked at a chain bookstore where the application included a spot to list prior jobs and also a reason why you left the prior job, if applicable. An application came in where the person had recently worked at a Wal-Mart and quit. Reason?

Sorry to be that guy..
But if you were thinking of Edward Hopper, Noel, the painting is just titled "Nighthawks." The only "..at the Diner" I'm aware of is the Tom Waits album. [/asshole internet fact guy]

Buffalo Tom in general is awesomeness. And "For All to See" is great. Maybe in-your-face Goo Goo Dolls for covering "Bitch?"

I thought everything up through _Breathing Tornadoes_ was pretty decent. _Something to Remember Me By_ is probably actually my favorite of his. Everything since then…not at all.

"Sing Me Spanish Techno" (along with "Jackie, Dressed in Cobras") are the main reasons why _Twin Cinema_ towers for me above their other albums. Bejar's songs on _Challengers_ were weak (minus "Myriad Harbor" which was solid, but not amazing) and AC's songs, though pretty good (yes to "Mutiny I Promise You," "All the

@ Elitist Trash: Yeah, one of the greatest stories of all time in the Iliad - hell, even for just Hector and Achilles' fight alone - with Hector's body getting dragged around and the whole "I'll hack the flesh from your bones and eat you raw" rather than turn your body over to Prium bit. Should've been amazing. But

Point of Order
That's not a complete list of the Grammy nominees that's linked in the article.

the jar?
Am I imagining this, or is _The Jar_ an adaptation of a Ray Bradbury short story from _The October Country?_ I can't remember the story's name (my copy's at home), but I think it might have been "The Jar" or something like that. Anyone recognize this also?