
As for Joffrey's motivations…  Besides being spoiled and puffed up his whole life, he has low self esteem and is a terrible loser and winner.   He's terrified to actually fight, and can't even stand up for himself to a dwarf.   He had no idea what to make of it when Tyrion stood up to him again in a room full of

I was really moved by the Jim & Pam moment at the end.  Having gone through a divorce, and having since read that 66% of divorces are filed by women, typically for situations like this, where, Jim is a pretty good guy, but took his eye off the ball.   It felt right.    It's not unusual for a guy to get caught up in

Everyone who has been in shape has had periods of time when they've let themselves go a little.

Everyone who has been in shape has had periods of time when they've let themselves go a little.

I loved this show, and it wasn't hard to follow the basic premise that there was this avatar of good and avatar of darkness that battle it out every generation.

I loved this show, and it wasn't hard to follow the basic premise that there was this avatar of good and avatar of darkness that battle it out every generation.

Have none of you seriously, honestly, ever laughed at a Dane Cook bit?   The thing Cook and Sandler have in common is that they were kind of funny for a while and it got old.   But, for a while, they made enough people laugh to become rich and famous.  Internet hate jokes aside, if you were stuck on a desert island

Have none of you seriously, honestly, ever laughed at a Dane Cook bit?   The thing Cook and Sandler have in common is that they were kind of funny for a while and it got old.   But, for a while, they made enough people laugh to become rich and famous.  Internet hate jokes aside, if you were stuck on a desert island

Yeah, that's a fantastic, fantastic point…     To sum up why so many Star Wars fans are so angry at Lucas, for good reason, is just to say, "Imagine if Whedon had been given the same resources to write the StarWars Prequels".

Yeah, that's a fantastic, fantastic point…     To sum up why so many Star Wars fans are so angry at Lucas, for good reason, is just to say, "Imagine if Whedon had been given the same resources to write the StarWars Prequels".

Yeah, this is a really good show.  I cho cho chose it too, and there was a picshure ov a train.

Yeah, this is a really good show.  I cho cho chose it too, and there was a picshure ov a train.

This story came out of an initiative that the actor took to get a bigger role for his character right?   It just sort of came off like HBO and the Sopranos writers were jamming this in there almost as a political agenda at the time.  It felt like it didn't fit.

This story came out of an initiative that the actor took to get a bigger role for his character right?   It just sort of came off like HBO and the Sopranos writers were jamming this in there almost as a political agenda at the time.  It felt like it didn't fit.

I've been there where, I've executed some good designs that were poorly presented or explained by another person.  Granted, the best designs speak for themselves, but, in my experience, clients almost always choose the weaker design.

Having worked in corporate america for 18 years, it's sad that the Nellie storyline isn't more unbelievable.   It would never happen exactly like that, but, the backstabbing, lack of empathy, people being on the verge of getting fired, then getting another job offer, and being promoted to a management role because

Vito also marked, I think, the beginning of every HBO series requiring an overtly gay love story character angle, whether it fits the plot or feels well written or whatever… they almost seem to be there purely to force the issue and just done in a way to make it as uncomfortable as possible.

Yup, and, in the end… the lucky breaks just come a little too late, and the wheels fall off.

It seems like this season goes to great, great pains to point out just how lucky Tony has had to be to survive to this point, or to not be in prison.  He's had so many near misses, but seems to just discount his chances to realize how lucky he is.

This show has prompted me to join the community so I could comment.  I'm not a long-time Dr. Who fan, so, maybe I'm missing some things that would help me to like this show better.