
Foghorn on R. Kelly's bedroom ceiling
"Almost made you choke, son! Gag, that is."

ZFORZENDEJAS: You're completely right that I quoted you out of context, and for that I do apologize. My post wasn't meant to directly rebut your own and choosing to use your very words was a poor decision.

(pulls chain until it snaps)

Well, I'm admittedly guilty of hyperbole myself, but "beat in a bar?" "Come at me with a hammer?" Whether or not she was just trying to be funny, that imagery is just insulting to Waits and seems to demonstrate a lack of understanding of either the man or his music. Which is not surprising considering, in her own

RE: Scarlett being "pretty sharp"
She doesn't demonstrate much in the way of smarts in the following news item:

Best monkey flashback ever.

Awesome Monkeys
Mighty Joe Young (the original) also springs, howling, to mind.

Not Inappropriate
"No One Knows I'm Gone" by Tom Waits — preferably the original "demo" version.

Nuts n' Gum
A product tailor-made for the Homer Simpsons of the world.

Personally, I judge kids' movies (and TV shows) with the same high expectations I apply to my own entertainment choices, and I'd expect film reviewers to do the same. If it's preachy, dumbed-down shit, I don't show it to my son. He's never seen Barney or Teletubbies or Veggie Tales or any of their oozing,

Yet Another Tossed into the Pot
Carrion Comfort by Dan Simmons.

Well said.

More SF: Altered Carbon
by Richard Morgan. In the right hands (okay, so that's often a rarity in this genre) it could be a SF/action masterpiece.