
I like when he's hanging off Mount Rushmore explaining that he got divorced because his wives said he led too dull a life.

To me, he'll always be Vince in "What I Like About You," with pre-crazy Amanda Bynes.

It's what @fawlty:disqus said.

Mel Brooks also voiced a baby puppet in the 1970s special "Free To Be, You And Me," which somehow made sense at the time-

Yes, definitely — thanks to you (and others below) for pointing that out.

Thank you, Newton!

Thanks—fixed it.

That's "Ralph" scenes. I remember Judy Blume got mail from readers named Ralph, asking, "How could you do this to us?".

I loved Winston's confusion over that line-

I love love love this movie, but because I am a radio dork, I have cracked the code on a few Annie episodes, and they're usually more like, "Annie finds secret treasure" or "The Professor is on the island." Not to say that there weren't any Ovaltine messages ever, though, I haven't deciphered all of them.

Wow, I have seen this movie five million times and it has never registered before that she's holding a fly swatter when she says that. But why is she holding a fly swatter? Bad Christmas present from one of her sons? (probably that Randy)

Right: Pan says something about Rumple getting his magic back and Rumple replies that he didn't need it.

"Gross" was the first word I thought of too. Also, blatantly disrespectful to the woman he says he's in love with, I don't care if he's trying to rile her dad up or not.

I could see your Rayna/Jeff prediction happening: they have a pretty effective chemistry together. I loved when she just stormed right into his house, thanks to his housekeeper being a fan.

It's kind of a mix of both of those, actually, although "Someday" was the first one that came to mind. Definitely worth checking out.

and, she just got a(nother) Golden Globe nomination for playing Juliette-

That was a pleasant surprise: when's the last time you heard a good new Christmas song?

I hate myself for not knowing it. Thank you!

Not down here, unfortunately. Lucky Canadians.

According to the Newswire article linked in the first line of the review, the last episode before the hiatus will run on January 28, so we do have some more weeks before the show departs until April.