
Good point: kind of like when Nick wouldn't kiss Jess during a game of True American on New Girl because he wanted their first kiss to be "not like this"

Thank you for your perspective as an adoptive parent, because honestly I have been wondering about that a lot as I watch this show. I've also been re-watching Season One with my kids and frankly I was surprised how much it seemed to set up Regina as the villain from the get-go, as she appears much more sympathetic

Oh my God, thank you for pointing that out. That may be my favorite typo ever. Can't stop laughing. I fixed it, but I have to say I was on the fence for a few moments.

I completely love In the Wee Small Hours. There are breakup albums, and there are breakup albums, and then there's the breaking up with AVA GARDNER album, with Frank's heart on a platter. Sadder descriptions of loneliness than scratching your back by yourself or ordering orange juice for one do not exist.

I really love their third album, Headquarters, which involved them actually playing all the instruments. Includes the Nesmith masterpiece "Sunny Girlfriend."

I also enjoyed Jeff's explanation of the dreaded Sock Gap.

I think that's part of the problem with the large-ish cast. Betsy gets one line in about a box of chocolates? Beverly got to note that the party sucked in "You've Got Sext," and that was about it? And that Richie scene was the most we've seen of Jeremy in awhile. Meanwhile, Morgan didn't do much except blow his nose

Unfortunately not, thanks for the update. What's with this show and the WWE?

Oh my gosh, thank you: your detective skills are better than mine! I couldn't find it anywhere!

I think they did pare down some of the storylines that weren't working as well from the first season (like the political arena: I think there used to be more Lemar, and remember Coleman?), but they still need to do more of that. And thanks for mentioning the Stella sisters, they are downright magical.

I've found other characters more compelling in the past, but I was impressed with her range this episode: she really went to town on that meltdown

I could not agree with you more.

Agree with you completely about Pally: This show really ramped up for me when he got on board this season.

Soon, I'm sure-

I remember all the "New Universe" hype that summer: "Don't you wish you'd been in on Marvel from the beginning?" I think the subtext was that these comics might be worth something to collectors eventually, so you want to get in on the ground floor, or maybe that's just the way I read it. I picked Nightmask as my New

I guess the teddy bear hanging from the convertible rear-view mirror was a clue, but what about the Minnesota license plate?

But she's the same age/actress that we saw when the shadow took her away in London, but John and Michael were just kids then, now grown into Hipster Darlings.

I was wondering if they could somehow harness the shadow to pull the whole ship back eventually? I believe I'm thinking about this way too much.

I watched a few episodes recently and could not believe how unhinged it was.