a thoughtful muse

I'll allow it
Seeing how handy the man was at killing with just an air compressor, I can only imagine the amount of quality bloodshed he will do with his official Gilead approved sandalwood gripped guns.

I thought we already were seeing cartoon hearts come out of Colin Firth's mouth whenever he speaks. …I've said too much.

I'll bite: what constitutes a REAL picture of Commissioner Gordon?

So if a movie is a sequel (like Toy Story 3), it has to be listed as an adapted screenplay? Or did Pixar base it off some long hidden away Roald Dahl book? I'm very curious.

If I ever see a hobo on the subway who plays that awesome harmonica theme as his busking skill, I will give him all my money immediately. Get on it, hobos!

How many times do I need to say Christina Hendricks name for this to stick?

Well, if Chinua Achebe taught me anything, it is that things do in fact fall apart.

Quick question
Is anyone else really irrationally angry about this?

Well it can't be any worse than the cereal box divinations featured in the critically acclaimed film "Lady in the Water."

I'm pretty sure Lucas means the tectonic plates in his neck are the ones that are going to shift, causing his body to self-destruct.

ABQ: Where White doesn't make you right.

Well, now we know….

Nina's probable subtext
Charlie Sheen's got a problem alright, and that problem is that he's TOO DAMN BEGUILING. (Rips off top, throws bra at Charlie Sheen).

High five, O'Neal. A mighty high five to you.

What I want to know
Is who got the lucky assignment of making that bitchin' photoshop of Spiderman in ye olde Roman times. It's not every day the AV Club art intern gets such a choice task.

Admit it though, a melted ice cream tattoo would just come off as gauche.

Let's just get it out of the way, call it "Fast and Furious Sex," and say the plot has do something about driving really fast in order to save Latin at a local prep school. Add Christina Hendricks, boom, all tickets ever sold.

I'm really looking forward to seeing the correct answer to the above question.

So Greengrass isn't going to have King unexpectedly survive his assassination attempt and then doubly unexpectedly lose all his memories and then triply unexpectedly find out he has the ultimate fighting skills to get back at his attackers one by one? Looks like I'll have to film this on my flipcam myself then,

. Red, White, and View
. Two and a Half Men: An Argument for Euthanasia.
. But Your Mom Will Love It!