a thoughtful muse

I only lasted thirty seconds
Sorry, guys. I really wanted to like it but…..actually, who am I kidding, I didn't want to like it at all. Mission accomplished.

So I assume you're not familiar with the "long lost twin brother who's also been away at university" gambit?

On the other hand, Jennifer Aniston is a horrible monster and must be stopped before she steals our souls. Will no one stand up for this task (other than Bill O'Reilly)?

A wise man once said…
Keir Dullea, gone tomorrow.

Terminator 2: 2 Hot 2 Handle
Of all the things my parents could have gotten upset about me watching in middle school, for some reason, no movie was more threatening to my Moral Upbringing than T2. And the one time I got invited to a sleep-over, they found out someone had brought a copy, and wouldn't allow me to stay.

@Miller: you would be surprised how often talking about the passing of one's dead gay son does not usually flow well into sports related topics of discussion (ah, but the times it does? Those are moments to cherish)

Favorite all time movie quote
I try and fit "I love my dead gay son" into at least one conversation a day. Needless to say, its not the most organic quote to throw around. Still love it though!

Missed Opportunity
This just made me realize that Illar passed up the perfect sequel title for "Sidekicks" by not naming the original movie "Sidekick." And really, "Sidepunches" just doesn't flow as well.

Let me guess: the Mutants are the high school sports team name? Or, as a fallback, just one one the incredibly to-the-point protest signs pushing the emigration agenda.

Opening Crawl and BSG
The only difference I spotted in the Fantastic Science topics during the opening credits was something like "First Beings" or "First People." Did anyone catch anything else different?

Agreed on the Val Kilmer
Having just watched this for the first time two days ago (what can I say? I was…busy for the past 17 years?), the first thing that came to mind was how entertaining Val Kilmer's mega-acting style was. It brought to mind, no joke, the sort of work Nicolas Cage has been doing the past decade.

Much better advertising than hiring Luke Wilson
Sprint: When you absolutely need your secret SIM card to survive digestion in your stomach acids.

But guys,
No word on "The Man with the Iron Firsts?" (rimshot)

Yessss. Now I understand what Tobias was going for. He was using the opening sentence as a stand alone rhetorical question, of which the second sentence is not meant to be the answer. Indeed, it is the start of a new thought entirely. I'm glad this national nightmare is finally over, y'all.

Use of the 5 w's
I'm right in thinking the first word of this review should be "Why" and not "How," right? If I'm wrong, I think I might need to take my English classes over again.

I didn't think I would ever say this, but…
Given the work that Akiva has been doing on Fringe this past season, I'm willing to get potentially excited about this possibility. But then of course, I remember I have a list of movies I'll never watch again and "Batman and Robin" is on the top of that list. Hmm.

Where are the rest of 815-ers?
Have I not been paying attention, or do we still have no idea what is going on with Rose, Bernard, and the rest of the 815 survivors who are not named characters? Since the whole reason the Oceanic 6 ostensibley went back to the island was to rescue everyone, I find it odd that there

Time Travel Logistics
While the show didn't implicitly state either way, I assumed that whenever Banzai skipped back in time, he became the only version of himself in that timeline. That would explain the resetting of the timeline events caused by his prior actions (i.e. the deaths caused by the jumpings). So, since

Behindarock: excellent R&J usage.

(handshakes all around)