a thoughtful muse

And if you're one of those folks who immediately pegged the unknown name as Esau, you've already patted yourself on the back and dropped thinking about the question entirely, when in fact, the correct answer has been staring you in the face the whole time. The more and more I think about this, the more I am 100% this

Wild Theory of the Night
The reason they are going way out of their way to avoid saying the Man in Black's name (and really, tonight would have been a fine time to let that slip) is because his name is also Jacob. Because he is literally the other part of the Jacob who is already named. You know, sort of a two sides

Character Mis-steps
I have to agree that the main characters in this game are (so far at Chapter 6) some of the blankest slates to appear in a FF game. In fact, the only reason I know that Lighting is the main protagonist of the game is that she's on the box art. Nothing about her character as it comes across in the

I my feelings come from the sections where humanity starts losing its creative spark and people start blandly going about their lives knowing they are the last generation of humanity (as we know it) and they have this sense of defeat and a "Oh well, no point fighting it" kind of attitude. On one level, yes we

Childhood's End
Am I the only one who thinks this is one of the most depressing books every written? I think it is one of the best science fiction stories ever written, but I know I will never read it again. There's something about it which really emphasizes the fultility of life, but in the most horrific and

Yes, please
I would like to second the idea of having many more video game interviews, on a more frequent level. While reading PR approved info nuggests at IGN is okay every once in awhile, this type of variety is always welcome.

Seriously though,
It's going to be sad in five to ten years when we can't realistically go the "unearthed Nazi plot/elderly Nazi mad scientist villain" route any longer. It's been a great half century or so while it's lasted, but we're going to be hard pressed to find such a perfect 100% evil organization for

The actual most overlooked entry
An episode of "House" picked over "The Royal Tenenbaums"? Cats must be marrying dogs in the street. In closing, "The Royal Tenenbaums."

Yes Please!
I may not comment much, but damn it, I will write some comments if it get this show regular coverage. And I'll even do it on my PC laptop.

I would actually suggest reading The Gunslinger with the original version first, but having the new revised edition ready on hand to read right after you finish the last book. Without ever explicitly saying so, I like to think that's what King intended when he did the revision. Trust me, it makes perfect sense once

Thanks again for propagating, Edward Woodward
It's was great to see Peter Woodward as August, especially since he's perfect for these otherworldly characters. See also: his supporting turn as the technomage Galen in the Babylon 5 spinoff "Crusade." That role was actually perfect Observer training, now that I think

I'll just consider this a late birthday present
Yeah, I'm not going to lie, this is going to be an immediate adjustment to my Netflix queue. My hope is that the commentary will be rated R for both pervasive language AND suggested drug use. Please, please don't be a disappointment like the time Heroes decided to run

Hands down, that was sheer brilliance. Coach McGurk teamed up with the creators of Frisky Dingo? Genius. Stealthy move, FX. Stealthy.

I love me some Fringe, but…
I was pretty disappointed by the fact they wasted so much time in this episode to what amounted to a simple recap. Isn't this the third time they've had to water an episode down to "catch audience members up to speed"? I just felt the finale left season left us revved and speeding up to

Indeed. This is one of the reasons why "Taken" is one of my new favorite movies. Almost every possible hand held object is used at some point in the movie by Liam Neeson and jammed directly into the throats of various bad guys. Brilliant.

I don't think it's fair to keep trotting out (wordplay!) the "everyone's got a secret" motif with Mad Men (i.e. there's much more going on with the show), but I really liked how everyone got to show off unknown skills tonight. Don with the expert drink making. Pete with the dancing. Roger with the…um…(make-up

Totally ignore the other comment
Chalk another one up to accidently hitting the Post Button before all is said and done.

Goodnews, everyone!

At the very least, he's a gracious tipper.
During the summer of '04, I waited tables at this Italian chain restaurant called "Carraba's" in Nashville, and George Jones often came in with a large group of family members. He didn't speak a lot, but he always had a smile on his face. Irreversible coke damage? Only

Although I will argue the post-credits reveal isn't anything the viewer shouldn't have figured out already. In fact, it kind of goes out of the way to spell things out for the audience in a way that really isn't necessary.