
No doubt that Frankie is the annoying, high maintenance half of that marriage. But even Will (whose reviews I really like and I'm only bitching about this one little thing) says:

I've got a 9 year old who still believes.  I'm surprised by it and not really sure what to do.  I've pretty much landed on "if she asks me directly, I'll answer directly."  But she doesn't ask directly which means I think she knows?  I don't know.  Santa's super fun, though. So I'm going to enjoy another year of it.

I've got a 9 year old who still believes.  I'm surprised by it and not really sure what to do.  I've pretty much landed on "if she asks me directly, I'll answer directly."  But she doesn't ask directly which means I think she knows?  I don't know.  Santa's super fun, though. So I'm going to enjoy another year of it.

At Will's behest here, I'm making (I think) my very first (or one of them…) AV Club comment to say that I do enjoy this show a lot, and I also have really enjoyed these reviews and that next year you should definitely hand over some real estate to your wife to make her own comparisons between your shared marital

At Will's behest here, I'm making (I think) my very first (or one of them…) AV Club comment to say that I do enjoy this show a lot, and I also have really enjoyed these reviews and that next year you should definitely hand over some real estate to your wife to make her own comparisons between your shared marital