El Burrito Carlito

Agreed! I found the movie to be pretty bad overall, with some funny jokes mixed in. The weirdest/most offputting part, though, was that every other scene had a rape joke. (And the rape jokes weren't that funny, which is probably why I noticed that they were annoying me.)

Pretty much!

Clifford Simak's "City" is KIND of from the point of view of a dog. Anyone out there like Simak? I think he's the bees knees.

Episode I: "The Wolf in Sheepman's Clothing."

Oh yeah and they're puppets!

Sheepman & Wolf.

So that last one would take place inside a radiator and be directed by David Lynch, then? Good.

In A New Hope, there's a thing that looks like an anteater with a garbage bag over its head; it's in Mos Eisley and it rats out Luke and Obi Wan & Han to the stormtroopers by gargling into a little radio. When I was a young boy, my brother told me that thing was Princess Leia in disquise, and that she was actually a

You couldn't be more wrong, son. Now run off and play with your little pokey-man or pogs or whatever. We 30-somethings have work to do.

I've been to Men's Wearhouse a few times for tux rentals. You have to wait a lot during that type of thing so I got to look around a bit; I never got the remotest of impressions that it was a discount store. Not that I was floored by the quality, but everything there seemed expensive as fuck. I'm no fashion expert,

Nobody respects history anymore. Or is it heritage?

She would say they were slaves.

That's a scary link. I'll pass.

I agree. There is a distinctly science fiction feel to this album. I kinda love it. It also reminds me a little of Black Moth Super Rainbow, in a good way.

Remember Therapy?(?). They were great!

Phew! I thought it was just a dream I once had.

How about "Fun"?

I'm picking up what you're putting down. The usage here is like: "The Hamburglar looks suspicious like Drake," or "Finding a clump of hair in your salad at Wendy's is shitty like when a Chris Brown song pops up on the radio."

Wait. Nevermind. I just looked him up and realized that he's the bad guy from Kangaroo Jack. Now I feel like an idiot.

Good question! Also, who the hell is Micahel Shannon?