
What if we just sphinx it?

only if it's the freakin weekend.

Good news!!! It's a suppository.

Full cavity searches for everyone in this comment section…go deep on em.

When I heard the news that Glenn Frey had died all I could think of was "I'll never get Glenn Frey's stank all over me."

*Salomon Grundy runs away crying.*

and for 10 dollars you can seeeeee the downvote.

(ugh I guess I should Force Awakens spoilers)

Whatever it may be we all wish you the best of luck!!

We place too much emphasis on people who score goals (lead actors). We really should consider everyone on the team (co-stars) as part of a whole instead of single people. A lead actor can still make a great impact on film, but if his co-stars are at that same level, then well you've got a classic gem on your hands.

His only negative would be no mention of basements.

He promised Farley that he wouldn't go nowheres nears another huge collection of skanks and hoes but 17 times a year, so he's already used up all 17 for 2016.

I like how he was dressed as the main character from Almost Famous.

Tell that to Robert Ford.

No, but it does mean to cover their asses because of the title of the film, Universal Pictures will have to pick up The Girly Movie staring Jenna Maroney.

Yes of course Lisa would never break into anywhere…except Burn's mansion…and the Flanders home…and the hydro electric dam office… and teachers rooms to steal teacher's editions. So I don't feel her breaking into the museum is unrealistic and out of character. Albeit it is a museum and those are kinda sacred to her.

I think you just wrote yourself a sitcom episode.

Yeah learn how to quote The Simpsons, YOU CLOD!!

Nice ass Sampson.